Meet Our Staff in India

International Village Clinic has 45 full-time staff in India who carry out its programs.

Here are the biographies of some of its leaders in India.


Dr. R. K. Pathak

Dr. Pathak is IVC's chief physician and heads the curative department. Dr. Pathak joined IVC in 2003. He has been a pillar for the organization, devoted to IVC and his job. He has a passion for serving the poor and the needy and is a great communicator with patients. Dr. Pathak received his medical degree in 1968 and practiced medicine in a private practice in a small village. When asked why he wanted to come to IVC, he answered that he had heard so many good things about IVC from patients and people living in his area that he decided to come and talk to us. Dr. Pathak is a family man, with a wife and three children.

Dr. Nadeem Ashraf

Dr. Ashraf is the head of IVC's preventative program. He joined IVC from day one of our clinic opening in Marufpur, India. At that time, he was a young man of 22 years and didn't exactly know where he was headed. He did want to pursue a career in healthcare. He has proved himself to be an ambitious, hardworking employee and has been a key figure in the expansion of our preventative health care program. Dr. Nadeem is married and has two young children.


Sulochna Devi

Sulochna Devi is IVC's hospital nurse. Sulochna's story is simply amazing. Sulochna came to us in 2003 as a cook in our staff mess. She was totally illiterate at 32 years old. She had a family, with an equally illiterate, unemployed husband and five young children, aged two to thirteen years. Just a year later, her husband passed away. She worked full time at IVC, got educated, raised her five children and became a nurse at IVC. Please read the December 14, 2005, IVC newsletter for her life story. It is a truly remarkable story.




Board Resources

The Board Resources section of the site contains materials for use and reference by the all-volunteer IVC board and those who provide assistance to the board's activities. Login required.